Saturday, May 12, 2018

What is paleo-based eating?

Well, first, we need to determine what Paleo is. The below image is courtesy of

What to Eat on the Paleo Diet

There is a lot of controvery online about what "is" or "isn't" Paleo. Some people think potatoes are fine. Some say white rice in moderation is fine. A more relaxed approach, which I will probably follow, can be found on the Paleo Leap web site here. Since folks get a little spazzy around these sorts of things, that is why I am saying I will be eating "paleo-based". I will probably have some potatoes and some legumes occasionally. I think the overall idea of drastically reducing processed carbohydrates and sugar and focusing on healthy fats is great and even the 85:15 rule mentioned in the image shows room for flexibility. I will probably try to do some "what I eat in a day" posts to give an idea of how I am eating.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Day 1.

Day 1.

In my life, I have tried many diets:
Weight Watchers (repeatedly)
LA Weight Loss
Mediterranean Diet
Calorie counting
Plant-based, HCLF

I am trying to find a way that is more a lifestyle shift and overall dietary change. My GI doc (years ago) told me to cut my carbohydrates to help with my recurring ulcer and hiatal hernia. I was NOT ready to try this. I currently have endometriosis and raging estrogen. I have not been able to budge my weight and tend towards emotional eating.

I recently discovered NerdFitness which is a really fun fitness and health website. He also preaches paleo eating and a lot of the information provided makes good sense. So, I figured, let's give it a go!

I am not going to be sticking to an uber-strict form of paleo, because lack of flexibility can be very dangerous. However, I want to generally follow the guidelines (blog post to follow) and see what happens! I am committing to 60 days. And today is day 1.

What diets have you tried? What has or has not worked for you?